The inventor of AI (artificial intelligence) is Alan Turing. Although the first historical references date back to the 1930s with Alan Turing, considered the father of artificial intelligence. The starting point was 1950, when Turing published an article with the title. Computing machinery and intelligence in Mind magazine, where the question is: can machines think? And he proposed a method to determine if a machine can think. The theoretical foundations of AI started in the experiment he presented in said article and became known as the Turing Test. By overcoming it, a machine could consider that it would be able to pass for a human in blind talk. This test is still valid and is the subject of ongoing studies and research.
Table of Contents
What is the Purpose of AI?
If the first objective of Artificial Intelligence was to achieve a thinking machine, at present, the milestone has perfect for improving intelligence. To do this, the seven fundamental pillars of AI exposed at Dartmouth are still very much in force:
- Automated computers.
- How can a computer program use a language?
- Development of neuronal networks.
- Sample size calculation theory.
- Self-learning.
- Abstractions in AI.
Randomness and Creativity. To achieve goals, MIT played ( and plays ) a fundamental role. There, McCarthy and Minsky created the first project on AI, which would bear so much fruit in later decades.
Current Examples of Artificial Intelligence
That germ fed during the equator of the last century has precipitated its growth in the previous decade. The current work with artificial intelligence is such that there is even a growing concern about the resources it consumes.
The proliferation of advances, and the speed with which they hatch, has led to it being considered the fourth industrial revolution.
So we can find dozens of examples in the main cities of the planet: algorithms that improve habitability and models to eradicate traffic jams. These robots assume human functions and the arrival of the autonomous car.
who is the inventor of ai
Alan Turing laid the foundations of AI in the 1950s, though many consider John McCarthy the “father of AI” for coining the term and organizing the 1956 Dartmouth Conference.
Why was Artificial Intelligence Created?
The deeper reason for the development of AI lies beyond how machines make our lives easier. It is mandatory to go back centuries in philosophy and human knowledge, in which the primitive concept of intelligence outside the human caressed myth, religion and metaphysics. It is shown, for example, by the figures of the Platonic demiurge, Pygmalion’s Galatea or the golem in the Hebrew tradition.
Through the history of art and literature, we find other paradigmatic examples of the dream of the human being to become a creator and replicate not only his mind but also his heart, in the words of Baum’s tin man. Therefore in the 20th century, the science fiction genre was in charge of rescuing over and over again the ethical question and dilemma about whether, how and why a machine can think.
What is the history of Artificial Intelligence?
We have already shown that the history of artificial intelligence is ancient. But, to analyze its current evolution, we must take as a starting point the launch of the universal machine in 1936.
History of AI from 1936 – 1997
1936 – Alan Turing introduces the concept of algorithms through his universal machine.
1941 – In a science fiction story called “Vicious Circle” by Issac Asimov, the three laws of robotics create: no robot will harm a human being.
1950 – Turing publishes an article in which he proposes the Turing test to analyze whether machines can think.
1956 – The fathers of modern artificial intelligence, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon. Formally defined the term during the Dartmouth conference as: “the science and ingenuity of making intelligent machines, brilliant calculation programs .”
1966 – “Eliza” create the first specialist system. It is considered the first chatbot in the world and was the first program to use our language to teach computers to communicate with human words instead of requiring codes.
1987 – Martin Fischles and Oscar Firschein described the attributes of an intelligent agent. Meaning that a computer is capable of perceiving its environment and can mimic virtually all human behaviour.
1993 – Ian Horswill enriches behaviour-based robotics by creating Polly, the first robot to use machine vision.
1997 – IBM’s Deep Blue computer beat world chess champion Gari Kasparov after a previous failure in 1996, where Kasparov won.
History of AI from 2011 – 2020
2011 – Apple, Google and Microsoft launch mobile applications with virtual assistants.
2012 – Google creates a computer capable of learning through YouTube to identify human faces and bodies.
2017 – The Libratus algorithm developed by Carnegie Mellon University beat four of the best professional poker players in a United States casino.
2018 – Artificial intelligence’s benefits install the automotive industry. So they are increasing the mass production of intelligent vehicles capable of operating without human intervention.
2020 – The “Low Code” system is implement so inexperienced users can use artificial intelligence in simple steps.
The chronology of the history of artificial intelligence has shown that humans have been trying to develop it for millennia and have made unprecedented progress in the last 100 years. However, even though the technology is already part of the daily life of many people and its progress is practically impossible to stop. So the human factor must always be above any innovation.