Write For Us

Write For Us – Theslashgear.com

The Theslashgear offers all enthusiasts the opportunity to share their guest posts on our website. You can write your guest post in the following areas: Technology, Marketing, Business, AI, IoT, Online Marketing, Gadgets, Software, Mobile Apps, and Product Reviews.

How to send your Article to us?

We look forward to your contribution to Theslashgear in terms of content. Please share your thoughts with us in our official email above. Create a specific subject for your email with the word “guest post” or “write tech for us,” and write brief details of yourself. Please let us know in your email if you have any questions about guest posts on Theslashgear.

Email: contact@theslashgear.com

Why “Write For Us” at Theslashgear

We ask that you read our guidelines shrewdly before writing any content on this website. Then you can know why you can share the content with us. However, the content must meet all requirements and rules to measure for Theslashgear Write For Us.

You can also guest (or sponsor) posts on specific topics such as technology, business, artificial intelligence, IoT, gadgets, applications, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, SEO, SMO, education, and other technology-related articles.

Follow a few categories for which you can send us guest post articles.


Anything related to Digital Marketing



Conversion Optimization

Digital Advertising

Digital Marketing



Influencer Marketing


Information Technology


Make Money Online

Mobile technology

Online Innovation




SEO & Traffic

Social Media


Social Media Marking

Start-Up Marketing

Technology Blog


Technology Business

Guidelines for Contributing to Guest Posts:

Your article must be 100% plagiarism-free and may only be reproduced on our blog.

Your article can contain between 500 and 2000 words.

The blog title must be attractive and contain less than 60 characters.

The article must be easy to read and divided into sections (H1, H2, and H3) with all required subtitles.

Provide an accurate highlight image in HD quality. You can insert additional photos for the content frame as needed.

Send your articles in an MS Word or Google Sheets document as an attachment to your email.

Dos and Don’ts


Be original. Don’t just copy and rewrite other articles on the Internet. Add exciting data to the blog you send so the reader can dive into it.

Add your thoughts. Don’t write anything you don’t know. Just add a bit of your personality to the writing. We want to see your knowledge throughout the article.

Make sure that the length of the articles you submit is between 1000 and 2000 words.

Use original images or images of attributes other than your own. The width of the image should be 800 pixels if possible.

If possible, add resources to your article and support your arguments with studies and research.

Please do not add information that is not accurate or makeup statistics that suit your needs.


Please do not simply submit work that was previously on the Internet or rewrite the work of others.

Write articles that add no value or meaning to your readers. Every piece you write should have a purpose.

Submit articles with poor grammar or sentence structure. Review your essays before submitting them, or ask someone with impeccable grammar to edit them. Understanding technology is complex enough without struggling with poor grammar or sentence structure.

Use images without copyright or attribution. We don’t welcome threats or plagiarism cases to ensure you always assign a job other than yours.

Search Terms Related To Tech

Business Technology + “Write For Us”

Business Write For Us

Digital Marketing “guest post”

Digital Marketing Write For Us

Gadgets Write For Us

information technology write for us

Information Technology Write For Us

iot write for us

Marketing Write For Us

News +” Write For Us”

SEO & technology “write for us”

submit guest post technology & gadgets

Tech “contributing writer”

Tech “guest article”

Tech “guest post”

Tech “submit blog post”

Tech “suggest a post”

Tech “this is a guest post by”

Tech “wants to write for”

Tech “write for us”

Technology Tips Guest Post

Tech Blog “contributing writer”

Tech Blog “guest article”

Tech Blog “guest post”

Tech Blog “submit blog post”

Tech Blog “want to write for”

Tech Blog “write for us”

tech blogs write for us

technology + “write for us” + guest post

Technology + “Write For Us” + guest post

technology articles write for us

technology blog “write for us”

Technology Blog “Write For Us”

technology business “write for us”

Technology Write For Us

Technology Write For Us

Technology Write For Us — Technology Blog

technology write for us guest post

Write for us — Contribute Tech Articles and Knowledge

Write For Us — Guest Post Submission Guidelines

Write for us — Marketing Tech News

Write For Us — Tech Blog

Write For Us — Tech News

Email: contact@theslashgear.com